There's a lot of traffic on this road.
Imagine what they were thinking when they saw us!
This was probably the shortest train they've ever had to wait for.
This is an Aspen grove.
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Approaching a small trestle.
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"Pumping up the raft!"
Crossing the highway. (That's Anne in the background).
Creede is over by those rock formations. This is as close as we were allowed.
We ate a picnic lunch on our motorcar. While we waited for those that had hiked over to Creede to return, a freak mountain storm began. As quickly as it arrived, it was gone. Such is Colorado weather.
Will is enjoying the 30 degree drop in temperature and 50mph winds.
It was a nice picnic for the first 20 minutes.
Ray's side of the car had no rain - or wind. His poncho is dry and he gloats at Anne's misfortune.
Scroll up and compare these photos.
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